
About us

Children’s House Zagreb or home for children and young adults Zagreb disposed of children without parents or without proper parental care, and pregnant women and mothers with children. Provides them with accommodation, technical support and security, and training necessary for the free development of personality. Today, we care about 250 children aged 0 – 21 years. Operate the system of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

80 children aged 0 to 7 years, and 170 from 7 to 21 years. School children are placed in the branches LADUC, A.G. MATOS and I.G. KOVACIC. Young people (17-20 years) live in residential community appartments.

With regular education children are involved in a number of free domske and izvandomske activities: learning foreign languages, computer shop, play musical instruments, cooking course, and more. There are workshops for creative expression, painting, dancing, acting, production of ceramics, as well as programs organized recreation, football, basketball, rowing, …

Childrens’ home Nazorova was founded in 1886.
Jasna Curkovic Kelava, dr. med

Our staff

The institution has 165 employees, of which 80 per cent are qualified educators, nurses, social workers, psychologists, therapists, doctors etc.

Our organization is made up Nazorova – headquarters, three branch homes and residential community: