


Annually from 30 to 40 children from the home goes to the adoption. Adoption proceedings conducted center for social welfare who is also a child placed in a home, as well as selection of adoptive.

Professional home team (doctor, psychologist, social worker, care, nurse, etc.) gives expert help adoptive parents about taking care of the child, answer questions and dilemmas that adoptive parents have a need to solve.

In year 2009. from our home 31 children has been adopted, and in year 2010. 24 children has been adopted.

For children whose biological parents have been neglecting them, the best permanent form of care is adoption.

Foster Care

10 to 20 children per year are situated from home in foster families, which partly replaced the child care and parental love.

All tasks related to the placement of children in foster family takes center for social welfare of the child. For the care of a child udomitelji receive compensation from the center for social care, and home expert help with child and preferred maintenance of contacts with biological parents.

Professional workers tend to the house by acting proactively in cooperation with social welfare centers, shortened the child in the institution as soon as possible and disposed of in the family (udomiteljskoj, posvojiteljskoj biological or when the situation is central).


U tijeku je reforma sustava sve skrbi koja predvida razvoj udomiteljske skrbi, u većoj mjeri za malu djecu. Multidisciplinarni tim Doma nudi usluge opservacije, odnosno identifikacije potreba djeteta, prije zbrinjavanja u udomiteljsku ili posvojiteljsku obitelj, te pruža stručnu pomoć i podršku djetetu i obitelji nakon smještaja. Rana dijagnostika i intervencija su vrlo nužne za kvalitetnu skrb o djeci, te presudne za što bolji ishod.

Djecu opservira i o tome upućuje CZSS-u nalaz i mišljenje timu stručnjaka: – pedijatar, psiholog, soc. radnik, logoped, pedagog, fizioterapeut, odgojitelj ili medicinska sestra, a po potrebi i fizijatar.